Author/Illustrator Visits

  • School chat

    Pedro enjoys discussing his process when it comes to writing and illustrating all things Mexikid. This talk includes a behind the scenes look at how a graphic memoir is made and will encourage students be the authors of their own stories.

  • Hands-on visit: Stories!

    Pedro will help kids of all ages tell their own stories by discussing his process while leading the class in a ZINE workshop as well as going over some graphic novel tips and tricks.

  • Hands-on visit: Characters!

    Pedro gives a hands-on tutorials on how he approaches character design and some easy-to-learn tricks that students can use no matter what their drawing skills might be.

  • Book and Festival Events

    If you have an event that you think Pedro and Mexikid Stories or Mexikid A Graphic Memoir might be a fun addition to. Drop us a line. We’re super-flexible and would love to brainstorm some ideas with you.

Educator Guide

Here’s a wonderful teacher’s guide for those of you interested in digging deep into Mexikid with your classroom.

Create your own mini-memoir with this ZINE template.